Dr. Tornatore Therapist & Speaker Seattle, WA
I passionately support people as they convert old, outdated patterns and unnecessary stress into more freedom, joy and authenticity.
As a recovering perfectionist, I know the pain of being bogged down by old beliefs, feeling responsible for everything, and never quite measuring up to expectations. Through my own ongoing inner growth work and exploration, I continue to discover the freedom and peace that come from questioning old beliefs, being gentler with myself, and living more from my heart.
I bring extensive professional training to our sessions: I have trained in CIMBS (awesome for anxiety), Lifespan Integration (powerful for overcoming trauma), and hypnosis (great for accessing inner wisdom).

After receiving a Master’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies at the University of Illinois, I earned a Ph.D. in Family Social Science and Family Therapy at the University of Minnesota. And while I have a lot of education, I have learned that the most important knowledge comes from within us. My studies in mental health and neuroplasticity give me full confidence that—at any age—we can create healthier brains and in the process, happier lives.
A Favorite Quote
“Faith is walking to the edge of all you have and taking one more step.”
Are you ready to take this one more step?
Let’s join forces to help you create deep, lasting, positive change.
My Publications
Tornatore, J. ( Fall 2007) Stop and smell the roses. Alzheimer’s Association Western and Central Washington State Chapter Newsletter.
Hepburn, K., Lewis, M. L., Tornatore, J. B., Wexler Sherman, C., Lindstrom Bremer, K. & Dollofh, J. (2007). The Savvy Caregiver Program: The Demonstrated Effectiveness of a Transportable Dementia Caregiver Psychoeducation Program. Journal of Gerontological Nursing
Tornatore, J. B., Hill, E., Laboff, J. A. & McGann, M. E. (2005). Self-administered screening for mild cognitive impairment: Initial validation of a computerized test battery. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 17(1).
Sales AE, Hedrick SC, Sullivan J, Gray SL, Curtis M, Tornatore J.(2005). Factors affecting choice of community residential care setting. Journal of Aging Health 17(2), 190-206.
Tornatore, J. B. & Grant, L. (2004). Family caregiver satisfaction with the nursing home after placement of a relative with dementia. Journals of Gerontolgy: Social Sciences 59B (2), S80-S.88
Tornatore, J. B., Hedrick, S.C., Sullivan, J. H., Gray, S. L., Sales, A., & Curtis, M. (2003) Community residential care: Comparison of cognitively impaired and non-cognitively impaired residents.Alzheimer’s Disease & Associated Disorders 18(4), 240-246.
Hepburn, K. W., Lewis, M., Wexler Sherman, C., Tornatore, J. (2003). The Savvy Caregiver program: Developing and testing a transportable dementia family caregiver training program. The Gerontologist43(6), 908-915.
Hedrick, S. C., Sales, A., Sullivan, J., Gray, S., Tornatore, J. B., Curtis, M. & Zhou, X. A. (2003). Resident outcomes of Medicaid-funded community residential care. The Gerontologist 43(4), 473-482.
Gray, S. L., Hedrick, S. C., Rhinard, E., Sales, A. E., Sullivan, J., Tornatore, J. & Curtis, M. (2003). Potentially inappropriate medication use in community residential care facilities. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 37, 988-993.
Tornatore, J. B. & Grant, L. (2002). Burden among family caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease in nursing homes. The Gerontologist 42(4), 497-506.
Hepburn, K., Lewis, M. L., Narayan, S., Tornatore, J. B., Lindstrom Bremer, K. & Wexler Sherman, C. (2002) Discourse derived perspectives: differentiating among spouses’ experiences of caregiving.American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias 17(4), 213-226.
Hepburn, K., Tornatore, J. B., Center, B. & Ostwald, S. (2001). Dementia family caregiver training: affecting beliefs about caregiving and caregiver outcomes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society49(4),450-457.
Narayan, S., Lewis, M., Tornatore, J. B., Hepburn, K., Corcoran-Perry, S. (2001). Subjective responses to caregiving for a spouse with dementia. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 27(3), 19-28.
Corcoran-Perry, S., Hepburn, K., Narayan, S., Lewis, M., Tornatore, J. (2000). Family caregiving for persons with dementia: helping the caregivers make decisions. Bulletin of Osaka Prefectural College of Nursing 6(1), 81-92.
Professional Service
- Compassion & Choices advisory member, 2013-present
- Puget Sound Group Psychotherapy Network board member, 2010
- Elderwise Advisory Council, 2009-Present
- Seattle Counselors Association Program Committee Chair 2006-2008
- National Council on Family Relations board member, 2002-2005
- Minnesota Association of Marriage and Family Therapists board member, 1996-2000
- Minnesota Council of Family Relations board member, 1991-1993
Professional Affiliations
- Rotary Club of Seattle www.clubrunner.ca/seattle
- Seattle Counselors Association www.seattlecounselors.org
- Screen Inc. www.screen-inc.com
- Senior Care Coalition www.seniorcarecoalition.org
- Puget Sound Group Psychotherapy Network www.psgpn.org
- National Speaker’s Association Northwest www.nsanorthwest.org
- Alzheimer’s Association – Western and Central Washington State Chapter www.alz.org/alzwa
- National Council on Family Relations www.ncfr.org
- American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy www.aamft.org
- Washington Association of Marriage and Family Therapy www.wamft.org
- Minnesota Association of Marriage and Family Therapy www.mamft.net
Resources I Recommend
Websites of professionals and professional associations I recommend:
Natural Health Advisory
Our emotional health is closely tied to our physical health. Natural Health Advisory Institute is a website that helps readers learn how to resolve both physical and emotional health issues using natural, non-drug approaches. Seattle based Dr. Kathleen Jade, N.D. is the Medical Director and Editor-In-Chief and writes a monthly newsletter. Dr. Jade’s video interview of me where we demonstrate 3 stress reduction techniques is an example of their counsel on healthy living the natural way.
The Alzheimer’s Association.
I believe this is the first place to contact when anyone is experiencing memory problems. The services offered are free.
The national website is: www.alz.org
The Washington website is: www.alzwa.org
Senior Services
This is a fabulous free resource for seniors. I called them several times a week when I worked for the Alzheimer’s Association. www.seniorservices.org
Elderlaw Attorneys
When you are figuring out decisions for later in life, it is important to consult with a lawyer familiar with the legal issues for elders. These three attorneys are excellent and everyone I have sent to them has been very happy with their work.
Janet Smith
Julianne Kocer
Mary Wolney
Adult Day Centers
820 E Pine St # 201
Seattle, WA 98122
Full Life
Counseling Websites
Care Managers
Aging Wisdom
Lisa Mayfield, MA, LMHC, GMHS
Seattle 206-660-3276
Jullie Gray, MSW, LICSW, CMC
Bellevue 425.894.9100
Bellingham 425.894.9100
Aging Network Resources
Jan Pitzer, MSW
(206) 935-3020
My Graphic Designer
Ellen Leon
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Contact Me
If you wish to contact me directly, please give me a call: 206.769.8108 or visit my contact page to send me an email.