What My Clients Are Saying
Don’t take it from me, people are talking!
Client Testimonials:
“I believe I am able to heal myself emotionally. I didn’t believe I could do that before I came here.”
“I feel completely different that I did when I came in.”
“Words cannot really describe my thoughts and feelings after we finished our phone conversation this evening. All I can say is that the choppy waters have calmed down—I’ve had a respite in the midst of the storm. Thank you for understanding, listening, and your observations.”
“Jane and I met for about 6 months and I cannot believe the change I have had in my attitude. By talking my feelings through with Jane I found that I was able to find that I really wasn’t lost and that I have a lot things going for me on my own.”
“Dr. Tornatore is experienced, well prepared, calm and encouraging. From the initial encounter she provided support, hope, tools, guidance and options to go beyond a self-imposed dead end. She is very effective in promoting the self-initiative to return to a state of interest in exploring and enjoying life.”
“I’m already more comfortable in the world. I’m letting myself have more fun instead of my scanner being on high alert.”
“You always make me feel ‘home’ when I’m feeling scared. Thank you.”
“Dr. Tornatore has helped me tear down and build back up. She has been an excellent support during a period of change for me. Her care and concern, as well as an exuberance for her profession, has made me continuously at ease.”
“I never thought I could change these feelings of not being good enough, nervousness around people, and lack of confidence. I saw no way to ever change it…and it has changed.”
“When I came in all I saw was closed doors. Now I see an open door, and I have hope.”
“Thank you for taking this journey with me—for being a guide for me and becoming someone I can trust. I am grateful to have you as a counselor and guide.”
“I am so happy with how I am doing and am feeling better and better after each session. I think (my partner) is also benefitting a lot from my reduced stress and the information we share about what I learn. Thank you for the tremendous gift of perspective, good advice, a kind ear, and all that you do.”
“That was life changing. I’m glad you do what you do.”
“You make it possible for me to laugh.”
“Thank you for helping me on short notice and over the phone. I was overwhelmed and your insight and knowledge helped start to organize my thoughts and figure out how to move forward.”
“I truly feel that Jane helped me in the best way. I would go back and ask her for help again. I have a much better outlook on my life and life in general from working through things with Jane and would recommend it to anyone that has lost their direction. It did help me alot.”
“You have redeemed your whole profession.”
“You make me glad that I am me.”
“You are helping me set myself free.”
“Our session gave me much hope and encouragement. You are so compassionate and caring as well as very professional and knowledgeable – a rare gift!”
“I enjoy getting to know me better.”
“Thank you for everything the past 6 months I have been seeing you. I had a hard time finding someone that worked for me and this was a really good fit. I felt comfortable from day one. I know that this is a good place to come back to when I need to. I got to the place I am at today no doubt to the safe container you created based on what I needed, thanks to you, so thank you for really listening and for providing. See you again!”
“I did not expect to go to this depth today. Thank you for holding the space for me to do this deep work.”
“Jane has helped me find my authentic voice so I can become more successful in following my own path to happiness. In our talks she facilitated discussions where I became more aware of my true needs and wants, and was more successful at being authentic and having better self-realization. As a result I made better decisions about what was best for me.”
“That was life changing, that session.”
Testimonials from Workshop Sponsors:
“There are so many speakers who know their subject but really can’t engage their audience. You certainly did. We’re just tabulating the feedback now and I’m sure you’ll be top rated.”
“Dr. Jane – thank you so much for your wonderful presentation at the Marianwood luncheon yesterday. We raised over our goal from this event thanks in no small part to your key note presentation. I am hearing warm and wonderful comments from attendees about your talk and the fundraising totals are a clear indication that this was a very successful luncheon!“
“The feedback was incredible already! One of our residents immediately came to my office and said you were the best—you have to come back. Wow, great, great, great!“
“Dr. Tornatore has conducted several presentations on our behalf, and she has always been well-received and well-liked by her audiences. Her presentations are interactive, well-organized and delivered with enthusiasm. She is punctual, professional and you can count on her to meet expectations. I highly recommend her as a presenter for a variety of audiences, and hope to have her present for our organization again in the near future.“
“Thank you for your great presentation! The residents have been talking about it quite a lot!”
“Dr. Tornatore’s engaging and informative speaking programs on memory and brain health generate rave reviews. Her participants appreciate her resourcefulness and authentic speaking style, and they gain a deep sense of hope about what they can do to keep their brains healthy…“
“We started walking again, dusted off the yoga mats, laid open the healthy food cookbooks, and hauled out the crossword and Sudoku puzzle books!”
“You were such a highlight of the Spring Brunch. You lived up to every bit of the promo video! Thank you for your humor, stories and insights.“
“You are the best! You imparted loads of information pertinent to our group; you are a wonderful, warm speaker, who is also interesting and inspiring. You know exactly ‘where we are coming from!’ All the women raved about you!”
“Jane Tornatore’s workshop presentation on memory and brain health was as engaging as it was informative. She’s funny and down-to-earth and makes what could be a technical subject understandable and interesting. She involves the audience and leaves them with simple, practical tips they can take back to their daily lives. Our workshop ended up getting rave reviews from the older adults who participated, thanks in a large part to Jane.“
“As Programs Director for the Seattle Counselors Association (SCA), I can speak on behalf of nearly all the attendees of Dr. Tornatore’s February presentation to our organization, as I personally read each of their feedback forms. Responses from members were overwhelmingly positive and included a number of requests for future presentations by Dr. Tornatore, which SCA will undoubtedly arrange.“
“Thank you very much for the workshop presentation for our Parish Health Ministry. The presentation content/information and usefulness rated a ‘high 10’ on the workshop evaluation worksheet. The workshop attendees stated on these forms how warm and friendly you were. Other comments included appreciation of your humor and accepting manner which enabled them to feel valued in asking questions. The attendees also reported the information you provided was very valuable and several were encouraged to seek more information on stimulating the brain! We, at Saint Patrick’s, would highly recommend your program to all interested parties.”
“Dr. Jane Tornatore’s succinct advice that ‘memory is all about doing things that work for you’ creates an adage to live by since it is, of course, our brains that work for us! Exercise is good brain food to keep feeding that memory source. These important concepts were expanded on and delivered with a cheerful, straightforward disposition that was very well received and clearly understood. The information presented an uncomplicated way to preserve brain health.“
Testimonials from Workshop Participants:
“Dr. Jane is an excellent speaker. Not once did I check the time!”
“Extensive knowledge! Outstanding. Great use of humor.”
“It gave a lot of suggestions that I could use and/or try. It was stimulating and fun! I do hope you’ll teach more classes.”
“Thank you Dr. T! You are helpful and hopeful!”
“Great style – light-hearted and respectful.”
“Jane is able to break down complex information, making it understandable.”
“Thank you. I appreciate your passion and wisdom. You are a gifted teacher.”
“I loved the energy, eye contact, and knowledge.”
“[This] course provided many techniques and helpful ideas. I have already been using several new approaches on a regular basis. Thank you.”
“Faith is taking the first step, even when you can’t see the whole staircase.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.