Jane Tornatore PhD, LMFT
In The Media: Interviews, newspaper articles, public speaking appearances, etc.

Dr. Tornatore
has been featured in podcasts, video Interviews, newspaper articles & has made many public speaking appearances.
Call today for a Media Interview:
Dialed In with Bethany Clemenson | Day 3
I was interviewed on Dialed IN! Bethany Clemenson is one of my favorite people on this planet. I just met her, but her energy and passion to help people be better is infectious.
Here are some of the things we talk about:
- How self love is like exercise
- Our body’s role in self love
- Ask yourself what story are you telling yourself. Is it true?
Awaken the Savage – Episode #37
In Awaken the Savage (how cool of a name is that?) you will hear Lili and I talk about:
- My Orange Bowl Theory and why we lose when we compare ourselves to others
- How fear contracts us
- Why our old, unhelpful beliefs are like an old rusted gate
You’ll also hear my story of the person in college who was so honest she scared me to bits, so I knew I wanted her for a life-long friend!
You-est You with Julie Reisler – Episode #224
Julie Reisler is a wonderful and delightful podcast host. She has interviewed Marie Forleo, Bruce Lipton, Mama Gena, Hall Elrod, and Tara Brach, among others. I am honored to be a guest on her podcast. In this episode we talk about why self-acceptance is good for your brain.
Mind Over Matter with Heather Hakes – Episode #291
Heather and I had a wonderful conversation about how the brain works, how to spread compassion, and her question at the end is so powerful and my answer brought tears to my eyes.
Health Coach Radio with Erin Power and Laura Rupsis
My interview on the Primal Health Coach Institute podcast is live! I could talk to Erin and Laura all day long. We are definitely of like minds. We all share tips to help people change their lives.
You can access it here.
Thrive Global
I am featured again on Thrive Global!
Article 1: No is a Complete Sentence
Article 2: Your Words Matter

Mastering Your Wellness
Some of the topics we discussed are:
- How to stop negative thoughts swirling around your head
- Perfectionism and the pressure to be perfect
- How to stop seeking external validation & praise
I hope that this episode will give you some comfort knowing that you’re not alone with the thoughts that you have and overcoming all of the above may be easier than you think
Mental Health for Entrepreneurs – Episode #19
Dr Katerina Thomas was so interesting to speak with! In this podcast you’ll hear the 2 practices I did to get myself out of $ fear, and why affirmations don’t work for many and how to make them work for you.
If you want to see us talking, you can watch the YouTube link.
Positively Living – Episode #13
My interview on Lisa Zawrotny’s Positively Living Podcast is up! Lisa and I are kindred spirits. In it you will hear my story about how I made my life hard in Kindergarten, and at the end, you’ll hear 2 super simple practices to reduce your stress.
Thrive Global
Here’s an article I got published on Thrive Global
How a Sentence Changed My Life — How a Break-up and Thoughts of Suicide Started my Path to Self-Love
Connectfulness | Episode #22
I loved this conversation with Rebecca, she is so thoughtful, wise, loving, and one of the best listeners I know. This episode highlights helpful ways to tend to our selves, reclaim power, and perhaps help us soothe our selves when we don’t have the power to change our situation.
Optimizing Brains & Bodies
I talk to my favorite brain geek Dr. Kristen Allott. We talk about why therapy works, and my favorite therapy modality, CIMBS.
Hope to Recharge
We talk about self-acceptance and learning to love yourself. Matana is a delight! My favorite part is when we talk about creating little sentences of hope through-out your day (around the 50 minute mark.)
Essentially You | Episode #196
I am so excited to be a part of Dr. Mariza Snyder’s podcast, Essentially You. Mariza has spent the last 2 years creating something incredibly valuable to help reinvent your health with safer, more effective natural solutions and powerful lifestyle changes. Join us today to learn why perfectionism happens neurologically and easy ways you can calm your inner critic so you can approach your life without the beliefs that limit you. That’s how you’re going to reach your highest potential, and I’m honored to be on this journey helping you get there!
The Gratitude Podcast
Georgian Benta is just a good human being. What our ego really wants… Why a gratitude practice changes our brain and our thoughts.. Why being proud of ourselves is actually good
Incredible Life Creator | Episode #68
“In this podcast you will hear:
- The gifts that we can receive from Alzheimer’s
- Why our brain often seems like it is working against us
- Why talking to our ego helps
- A tip for what to say to ourselves when we are suffering, and
- Words that automatically create stress.
And that’s just the first half!”
Learning Life Podcast | Episode #63
In this podcast, Jon and Jane talk about learning to love yourself. Woohoo!
Episode #66 Learning to Love Your Imperfect Self with Dr. Jane Tornatore
Kimberly Spencer interviews therapist, Dr. Jane Tornatore, on how to overcome perfectionism, reprogram the deep-pains of childhood, and totally love and accept yourself.
In this episode, you will learn…
Why is therapy about change? (5:30)
How does feeling the pain of our old stories motivate us to change? (7:30)
What is the simplest tool for therapy? (11:30)
How do you heal parts of yourself that you don’t really like? (16:30)
Why can a second make a difference? (21:00)
What does it mean to be human? (25:45)
What can asking for help do? (29:30)
How can ecstatic dancing help you love yourself and your body more? (31:30)
Why do we need to allow our capacity? (43:30)
Episode: How to Move from Stressed Out to Peace of Mind
Women Worldwide with Deirdre Breakenridge interviews Dr. Jane Tornatore on How to Move from Stressed Out to Peace of Mind. So many people walk around living in and with unnecessary stress. Dr. Jane Tornatore, a therapist and speaker in Seattle, WA, helps people convert outdated patterns and stress into more freedom, joy, and authenticity. She shares how people process stress, when many of our mindset issues form, and how we can overcome them and maintain a less stressful lifestyle.
Therapy Chat Podcast | 204: Learning To Be Kind With Ourselves
In this episode, host Laura Reagan, speaks to Dr. Jane Tornatore about learning to be kind with ourselves. Dr. Jane Tornatore has dedicated her career to helping people be kinder to themselves. Her style incorporates compassion, curiosity, deep listening, and heartfelt optimism, along with powerful shots of playfulness. She draws on her extensive professional training and wide-ranging life experiences to help people release old patterns and unnecessary stress.
The Change Makers
Ep#94 | Being Recovering Perfectionist – is that a box?
Dr. Jane Tornatore talks with The Change Makers about how to use thoughts and feelings to lower stress instead of being the source of your own stress. Sharing simple tools to use everyday that give you the power to create more peace and calm in your life.
Masters in Clarity – Clarity TV
A conversation with Dr. Jane Tornatore about self-love
Dr. Jane Tornatore is a therapist, speaker, and author based in Seattle, WA STATE. She has been in private practice for 15 years. Her style incorporates compassion, curiosity, deep listening, and heartfelt optimism, along with powerful shots of playfulness. Jane has dedicated her career, and her life, to help people love themselves and have self-compassion.
Natural Health Advisory
Dr. Tornatore shows NHAI’s Dr. Kathleen Jade three powerful tools that help control how your mind and body react to stress.
Book me for a media interview:
Send me a message or give me a call, I will be happy to talk with you.
Is it Time to Take the Car Keys Away?
Interview by Right At Home, Dr. Tornatore’s Conversations about Safety vs. Freedom Interview starts at 17 minutes. Press play, or listen at 17 minutes: HERE
Newsweek Article
Newsweek wrote an article about a computerized screening measure for mild cognitive impairment, developed by Screen Inc. The name of the measure is the CANS-MCI. Dr. Tornatore published the article which Newsweek says established the screening’s Reliability and validity.

Dr. Tornatore’s recent blog post, Possibility – More Powerful than Depression, was recently published on the PsychCentral website.

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Contact Me
If you wish to contact me directly, please give me a call: 206.769.8108 or visit my contact page to send me an email.