Increase Your Ability to Connect with People
Do you want to increase your ability to connect with people? Do you want to be able to experience true intimacy with others? Julie de Azevedo Hanks, PhD www.drjuliehanks.com has written a book to help you to do just that.
In her book, “The Assertiveness Guide for Women: How to Communicate Your Needs, Set Healthy Boundaries & Transform Your Relationships” Dr. Hanks gives us information and tools to know ourselves better and be more available to know others. I’ve already started recommending it to my clients.
Dr. Hanks, in a straight-forward, engaging way, demonstrates how saying “no” keeps us from being overwhelmed and overcommitted. She even gives a list of helpful examples of how to say no. Who couldn’t benefit from that? As important, she shows us that saying no actually makes us more available to ourselves and others.
The one con is this—Dr. Hanks’ examples and writing are so accessible, readers might not realize how much helpful information is packed in this 200 page book. I recommend reading “The Assertiveness Guide” a couple of times so you get all you can out of it.