
The Gift of Grasping
When a part of us wants to grasp onto love, that part is showing us we can love ourselves more.
My Heart Burst
Today I just got to hold a little six week old bundle of love. It feels odd to feel so full of gratitude to hold a child as I commence on my journey to write a book for women over 40 who did not have children. My friend (the new mom) took my picture as I snuggled my...
The Paradox of Grasping
Grasp onto only what you want to fly away. Test this with any cat or teenager.
Content versus Happy
I once had a boyfriend who told me “I’m happy, but I’m not content in this relationship.” Huh? “Isn’t happy better than content?” I asked him. I forget what he said, but I didn’t understand it. We broke up. (Not, in case you are wondering, just because of that...
Realization #1927
The more tightly I try to hold onto something I believe is mine, the more fragile my possession becomes.
What I Learned from my Curling Iron
Yep, my curling iron. I recently bought a curling iron. I think the last time I used one was in college. I will spare you the details of how I made this momentous decision. This morning, as I was happily transforming my hair from flat and slightly annoying to bouncy...