
Love Can’t be Measured
It is all love.If that is truelove can’t be measuredIt is all love.That gives me no basisfor insecurityAll that is leftis curiosity and wonder and love
Space—the Elusive Frontier
How many of you out there only slow down when you get sick? I know that is true for me. (Though I am still surprised when what I consider really busy people tell me they can't believe how busy I am.) I said I was bored once last year and I shocked myself. I don't...
When is enough, enough?
My friend hit it on the head. “It is not about being ‘special’; it is about worth.”How many of us desire to be special, whether it is through a partner, our friends, our job, our art, our possessions, or something else? When we want to be recognized as special, we are...
What happens if there is enough?
What a radical concept. Many of us unconsciously believe if another person has an abundance of love, money, friends…whatever, that means we won't have enough. How would our lives be different without that thought? Too often, when another person has what we feel we...
"The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it" ~Marcus Aurelius
Testing Reality—Theory vs. Facts
How many of us test our view of reality? By the time we have reached adulthood, most of us have pretty firm ideas about how the world works. The problem is, often those beliefs are based on what we think is happening, based on past experience, rather than what is...