
I am one of THOSE PEOPLE
It all started with socks and Birkenstocks. I admit it—I secretly laughed at those who did not have the sense to put a bag over their head for the shame of such a fashion faux pas as wearing socks with sandles. One day I looked down at my feet and gasped—I had become...
From my teabag
“When ego is lost, limit is lost. You become infinite, kind, beautiful.” Well that sounds cool!
Little Moments of Joy
I’m sitting here in the sun, on a sunny morning in Seattle, with a cup of tea, a bit of Theo’s chocolate, and my cat. A moment of pure joy. Soon I will head back inside to finish a project that has consumed my week. But for now, I will revel in this moment. Many of...
The Teeter-Totter of Love
My friend asked me “How are you today?” I answered, “I’ve been sending myself a lot of love this week.” He responded “That makes me want to give you a hug.” I smiled…”That’s how it works, doesn’t it?” He laughed and said “Yes it is!” Isn’t it funny that when we are...
How would it be?
This music video gets at the heart of what being a therapist, and indeed, life, is all about for me. I am posting it in honor of my 49th birthday and how I choose to live life, continually asking the question--"How would it be?" With deep gratitude, Jane/BG
"It began in mystery, and it will end in mystery, but what a savage and beautiful country lives in between." ~Diane Ackerman