
Compassionate Choices

I’ve been thinking a lot about what gives life meaning. For me, friendship and experiences help remind me of what is valuable.Last week I introduced two (way cool) friends of mine, and we had a delightful conversation that covered a myriad of topics. Then I trotted...

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On Gratitude and Fireballs

I went to a talk on creative aging last spring. An audience member asked how the speakers how to cope with those “dark night of the soul” moments. One of the presenters gave a very simple answer—give thanks. More specifically, he said he starts each day with a...

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When you listen generously to people they can hear the truth in themselves, often for the first time. ~ Rachel Naomi Remen

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Crying is powerful. When we cry we release. We release our fears, our sorrow, our anger, our beliefs that hold us back. I am in the uniquely wonderful position of witnessing the healing qualities of crying. So many of us are taught not to cry in front of others (or at...

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