
Missed Opportunities
In the past month, I learned that two people I greatly respect but don’t know very well, are moving out of town. Both of them I have wanted to get to know better, but I put off doing anything about it until I had more time. Time’s up. I am very good at putting things...
Content versus Happy–An ode to an ex
I once had a boyfriend who said to me “I’m happy, but I’m not content.” Huh? “Isn’t happy better than content?” I asked him. I forget what he said, but I didn’t understand it. We broke up. (Not, in case you are wondering, just because of that comment.) Today, I...
Living Outside Assumptions
Most of the time I am totally fine not living the life of 2.5 kids, a husband, and a picket fence. But every once in awhile I get a bit peeved that people assume I have those things. This time it occurred as I was answering security questions for my on-line banking....
The Gift of Wrinkles
Today I realized I was furious that I am getting older. To be more precise, I was furious that my body shows the signs of getting older. I also realized I was jealous of younger women and of women my age who look younger than I look. Ick. Those are not pleasant...
Ok, I’m writing a book
Those of you who don’t know me are probably not picking your jaw off the floor, as my friends likely are. After all, my motto in college was “writing is the bane of my life.” Then I went on to get a Master’s (with a dissertation-length thesis.) Apparently, not yet...
Judgment and Freedom
The other day I found myself making judgments about others and about myself for having those judgments. I considered what it would be like to live without judgments. I had no idea.A little while later I was struck with this idea—if I no longer felt the need to judge...