
Meeting Triggers

I had an exhausting weekend working with triggers. Do you ever respond to something that, on the surface, seems relatively minor, yet your response is immediate and intense? Further, your response is not how you would like to respond, given a choice? That is how you...

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Groups are wonderful things to leave

Let me tell you why I say that.Today I "processed" out of a group for women who are business owners (run by Mikelann Valterra I have been part of the group for almost three years. I have received many gifts from taking part in that group...

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“You could make your name in Swelled Head Therapy.”

My response—“I would *love* that!”My client and I were talking about the propensity for parents to tell their kids “don’t get a swelled head”. Many of us in this society grew up believing that being proud of ourselves was a bad thing. How do you respond when you get a...

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Inner Knowing

I was recently listening to a speaker who asked us what we would share, if we knew we had one minute to live. What is the most important thing we know? I realized I would tell people to listen to yourself for your answers. As long as we look to others for answers, for...

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Poems and Quotes that Inspire Me

"The effect of one good-hearted person is incalculable."Oscar AriasHe who binds to himself a Joy,Does the winged life destroy;He who kisses the Joy as it flies,Lives in Eternity's sunrise.William Blake"We are fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well...

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